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Tag: Sun Newspapers

Charles at the Beach: Pessimist finds positivity positively challenging

I’m a pessimist. No, I don’t say the glass is half empty because that’s factually incorrect. Even if put water in a glass to the...

Letters to the Editor: published Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021

The Sun violated its own policy While one letter extols your journalistic cred and community engagement, another letter clearly violates your stated policy on letters...

A new Miss Seal Beach is crowned

It was a night of magic for the contestants on the stage of McGaugh Elementary School auditorium. The Miss Seal Beach Pageant, an event that...

Activist group remains a mystery

The Sun Newspapers requested contact information for “Seal Beach for Open Space” from the law firm hired by the activist group to oppose change...

Tiger Scouts visit Sun

The Tiger Den from Cub Scout Pack 506 visited the Sun Newspapers on Friday, Jan. 20. The boys learned about news gathering, advertising and...

Letters to the Editor: Jan. 19, 2012

Thanks for 2011 review I received the Leisure World edition yesterday. Thanks, too, for yours and Charles M. Kelly’s review of 2011. I truly liked the...

Sun Newspaper 101

Following up on the success of the first Sun Newspaper 101 class held in 2011, there will be anoher class to help our readers...

Editor’s Notebook: Looking ahead to 2012

As I write this we stand on the verge of a new year and new possibilities for continuing to improve your community Sun Newspaper. The...

New Sunday blog at sunnews.org

Starting this week, the Sun wil post blogs on Fridays and Sundays. The Sunday blog, by Assistant Editor Charles M. Kelly, will be about...

Sun blog updated

Assistant Editor Charles M. Kelly wrote this week's blog on the Ghost Town Syndrome. (It's a bad thing.) Every Friday, the Sun posts a...