Seal Beach Lifeguards retrieve lost prosthetic leg

Seal Beach Lifeguards Chris Dominguez, Brett Peoples, Dean Frizzel, James Stanton, the Oregon visitor (whose name was not provided), Hayden Smith, and Jeremy Jenks.

Last Thursday, Aug. 5, a visitor from Oregon was in Seal Beach to get her prosthetic leg fitted.

Then she somehow lost it while swimming near the pier. “The prosthetic leg is made out of carbon fiber and titanium which does not float,” wrote Seal Beach Marine Safety Chief Joe Bailey in an email.   

The Oregon woman notified Seal Beach Lifeguards.

“Marine Safety Officer Mike Diller organized a group of Lifeguards to search for the missing leg,” Bailey wrote.

“The Lifeguards used the same search patterns that we train for missing swimmers.  Six guards worked the search line for 20 minutes and were successful in finding the leg,” Bailey wrote.

“It was a group effort, however, Rookie Lifeguard James Stanton was the guard who found the leg and is holding it in the attached picture,” Bailey wrote.