Letters to the Editor: published Dec. 31, 2020

Leisure World Security

Do Leisure World shareholders know what is happening to their cherished Security Department during this holiday season?

Most Leisure World residents believe that one of the greatest advantages to residing in Leisure World is the private security force staffed predominantly be fellow residents that they know and trust.

I am a longtime shareholder of Mutual 14 and I am also a LW Security Officer for over 11 years. The security staff of approximately 50 dedicated individuals has been working 24/7 to stay safe and keep all LW residents safe during this Covid 19 pandemic.

Unfortunately, on December 11, 2020, I along with approximately 37 other part time security officers, over 70% of the staff, received a letter from the LW HR department stating that due to Covid 19, that all part time Security Officer positions are being eliminated as of January 1, 2021.

These Officers are predominantly over 60 years of age and are dedicated and dependable members of the Security Department and are certified by the State of California. They have their California Guard Cards.

Residents and visitors may have noticed recently that there have been some young contracted security officers supplied by a company outside of Leisure World. They’re fine people, but they don’t know the LW residents or understand what the LW community is all about. They have no connection to LW or any of the residents!

Some relevant facts are that several contract officers have tested positive for Covid 19 while employed at LW, but no in house LW officers have tested positive for Covid 19. Who is safer in our community? Also, in house LW officers are paid $15/hour while LW pays between $27/hour and $40/hour for each contract officer on duty. Why would LW pay twice as much for security officers from outside that have more Covid 19 contact and have no connection with or understanding of this precious community?

Why isn’t management and the GRF board scrutinizing these decisions or have a tighter grip of our precious moneys. We can’t keep paying higher monthly assessments when money is squandered. And, why is management happy to eliminate the incomes of approximately 38 longtime dedicated employees, most being LW residents, during this Christmas and Holiday season?

Jeff Sorensen

Mutual 14

Leisure World Seal Beach