City launches online parking survey

First parking town hall set for Thursday, Oct. 26

In case you haven’t heard, the Seal Beach Citizen-Council Parking Advisory Ad Hoc Committee recently announced the launch of a comprehensive parking online survey that seeks to gather valuable input from residents, visitors, employees, and business owners in the Seal Beach community. This initiative is a crucial step in assisting the committee in making an informed recommendation to the Seal Beach City Council regarding the potential implementation of paid parking on Main Street.

Main Street in Seal Beach has long been a vibrant and beloved destination for locals and tourists alike. With its charming shops, delightful eateries, and stunning ocean views, it remains an iconic hub of activity. However, the increasing challenges of parking congestion have sparked discussions about potential solutions to address this issue.

The Seal Beach Citizen-Council Parking Advisory Ad Hoc Committee, comprised of dedicated community members, is taking on the responsibility of exploring and studying this matter closely. Their goal is to ensure that any proposed changes to Main Street parking align with the best interests of the community while also addressing the need for improved parking access and turnover.

To achieve this, the committee is urging all members of the community to participate in the parking survey. The survey will serve as a crucial tool in gathering feedback from a diverse range of stakeholders. Residents, visitors, employees, and business owners are all encouraged to provide their insights on the current parking situation and their preferences for potential changes.

The survey will cover a variety of topics, including:

1. Current parking experiences and challenges on Main Street.

2. Opinions on the possibility of paid parking.

3. Suggestions for alternative solutions to improve parking accessibility.

4. Considerations for balancing the needs of businesses and residents.

5. Overall perspectives on the future of Main Street parking.

Community feedback is invaluable in shaping the committee’s recommendations to the Seal Beach City Council. To participate in the survey, visit or scan the QR code.

“We understand that parking is a pressing concern for our community, and we want to ensure that the recommendations we make are well-informed and reflect the collective voice of Seal Beach. Your input is vital in this process,” said Committee Chairperson Margo Wheeler.

Town hall meetings

The Committee is also hosting a series of community Town Hall meetings which represent a proactive and inclusive approach to addressing parking concerns and fostering a robust dialogue within the Seal Beach community. These meetings will serve as a platform for open engagement, enabling residents and those actively parking in Seal Beach to voice their questions, share their experiences, and contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding parking solutions.

It’s a two-way street, allowing city officials to provide clarifications and insights while also actively listening to the invaluable perspectives and needs of the community.

These town hall meetings embody the essence of community collaboration, ensuring that decisions related to parking are rooted in a deep understanding of the unique challenges and aspirations of Seal Beach residents and visitors alike.

The Seal Beach Citizen-Council Parking Advisory Ad Hoc Committee is dedicated to working in collaboration with the community to find the most effective and sustainable parking solutions for Main Street. By taking part in the survey and attending Town Hall meetings, residents, visitors, employees, and business owners can directly contribute to the decision-making process.

For more information about the Seal Beach Citizen-Council Parking Advisory Ad Hoc Committee and the parking survey, please visit