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City Council discusses 2024-25 budget 

Second of two parts. Last week, the council approved the budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year, which began Monday,...

City budget hearing set for June 24

The City Council is expected to adopt the 2024-25 budget following a hearing on June 24. The fiscal year officially starts on...

Council looking at budget cuts

Part one of two. Last week, staff told the City Council that Seal Beach had a structural deficit. (See “City budget strained” at sunnews.org.) That’s...

Are deficits in the city’s future?

The most recent Seal Beach five-year forecast indicates there might be deficits in the city’s future. The size of the possible shortfall is a...

City Council approves 2023-24 budget

The Seal Beach City Council voted unanimously to approve the 2023-24 budget on Monday, May 22. The vote came after a public hearing. The...

Five-year financial outlook for Seal Beach: costs rising

Second of two parts. Seal Beach Finance Director Barbara Arenado gave the council the five-year budget outlook during the later part of the May 2...

2023-24 budget is balanced

First of two parts. The May 2 budget workshop looked at the city’s improvement projects and the city’s financial situation for nearly two hours. The...

Seal Beach City Council members comment on mid-year budget review

Seal Beach Treasurer/Finance Director Barbara Arenado presented the new council with a mid-year review of the budget on March 13. Overall, according to Arenado’s presentation,...

Budget among items on June 27 agenda

The City Council will hold public hearings on Seal Beach’s budget and on the bidding threshold for Public Works contracts on Monday, June 27. Due...

5-year forecast shows financial challenges

Seal Beach is looking at ongoing budget challenges, according to the latest five-year forecast from city staff. The proposed budget is tight. According to a slide...