Letters to the Editor: Thursday, June 2, 2017

Know who is asking for residents records

The California Supreme Court in City of San Jose v. Superior Court (“San Jose”) ruled that public officials and employees may be required to disclose communications in their private accounts in response to a CA Public Records Act (CPRA) request.

The end of March, members of the City Council and Planning Commission received a notice from the attorneys for the defendant in a lawsuit involving the City, where the city is seeking damages from the defendant.  These attorneys requested copies of e-mails from City Council and Planning Commission members and some city employees, asking for specific e-mails sent or received from a list of residents, going back a couple of years.

The beginning of May, the City Council and Planning Commission received another CPRA request for more e-mails, this time specifically asking for almost two years of Council and Planning Commission e-mails to and from Dr. Robert Goldberg, a Seal Beach resident who frequently speaks at Council meetings.  Something about it was a little odd, so I asked the City Clerk, “who requested these e-mails—the same attorneys?”  She said the request came in from a Marylou Quaternik and it came in via e-mail.

I went online and did some research:  Marylou Quaternik and Vikki Beatley, the City Finance Director, are listed as relatives and as  co-owners on several different residences in recent years.

It seems to me that Vikki Beatley is asking for our e-mails, via this other person.  So now we have a city employee essentially asking for private e-mails from Council members and Planning Commission members under the name of a relative, on a city resident, Dr. Goldberg.  Is Ms. Beatley trying to hide that it is she who is snooping?  If so, such an action by a city hall employee on a resident of the city for which she works, would be unprofessional and unethical.

Patty Campbell

Planning Commission

District 4

Fundraiser for shelter was a big success

The Seal Beach Animal Care Center would like to extend many thanks to our volunteers and the community for the wonderful support you gave us at our annual Pet’s Ahoy fundraiser at the Seal Beach Yacht Club on May 21st.

Thanks to your generosity, we raised $17, 435 dollars after expenses, the most ever raised for this event. The money will help us feed, house and provide veterinary services for our many dogs and cats.

Christina Miller

Seal Beach Animal Care Center Fundraising Coordinator

Seal Beach