Letters to the Editor: Sept. 23, 2010

Candidates should take positions

Thanks for the interviews with the candidates for Seal Beach City Council. The question of the future of the DWP property has been with us for many, many years yet most of the candidates do not have an opinion about what to do.

Like most politicians local and otherwise it is “I cannot make a wrong decision if I make no decision at all”.  An answer that I will give it my undivided attention or I will listen to my constituents is a non-answer.

If you don’t have a position on a well-known topic, maybe you should not be running in the first place.

Alan Johnson

Seal Beach

Coyote news

The Rossmoor Predator Management Team truly appreciates the support of OC180 News, Seal Beach Sun News and News Enterprise for informing the Rossmoor residents of the current status of Rossmoor’s coyote issues.

David and Dolores Barr have done an outstanding job on reporting of Rossmoor’s situation with coyotes.  Their reporting states what is now occurring along our storm drains:


The RPMT would also like to thank Seal Beach Sun News for the opportunity to print David Lara’s letter to the editor regarding our current status with battling government which can be read on Sun News at:


I am also saddened to report a pet loss on Sept. 18 at 6:59 a.m. on Chiano and Kempton.

Remember to please accompany your children or pets outside.  Never allow children or pets outside alone.  Coyotes move swiftly and quietly.

Rebecca Lara


Rossmoor Predator Management Team