Letters to the Editor

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Journalistic integrity

Kudos to Cathy Goldberg for her insightful response to a Letter to the Editor regarding your journalistic integrity publishing what she correctly stated was “clearly political in repeating and propagating the verifiably false claims made by one (political) party … ”. Kudos to the Sun for publishing it.

Then WHY next to it did you publish a letter from Debbie Baumel of Long Beach complaining about  (Costa Mesa’s) Segerstrom Center and their vaccination policy.  Vaccination has been a hotly debated political issue and many of those opposed to mail-in voting also oppose vaccines and/or vaccine mandates.  This is another example of the Sun choosing to publish a letter supporting a specific political viewpoint.

Is the Sun a community newspaper or is it a front for the political points of view of its Editors?  Many of your readers would like to know.

Eva Maciel

Seal Beach

In no one’s interest

Social media posts show that more Leisure World shareholders are seeing that their Board of Directors are inadequately prepared to manage the community. A recent posting about a GRF board meeting noted the lack of understanding of Leisure World functioning by new board members. A need for board member training was evident. Another post concurred with that observation and added that some new members come to board positions with predetermined opinions, apparently not knowing or caring about facts. A predictable posting “attend the meetings” by a BOD apologist was met with a very observant response; “if attending meetings was the answer, there would be standing room only!”

The 2008 California Appellate Court decision (GRF vs Franz) changed the way Leisure World had been managed for 45 years. This decision needs to be revisited. The governance model imposed on Leisure World’s 17 corporations in 2008 was a radical departure from the previous model. No one then or since has questioned the consequences of this change. The dilemma then and now is: what should the relationship between the GRF and the Mutuals be to maximize the efficient operation of the community? Shareholders need for this question to be asked and answered.

GRF Board Members should be, but are not, holding their staff accountable. Multiple issues over the past several years have pointed to incompetence in management, yet the Board of Directors does nothing about it. This is an unfortunate consequence of the 2008 change in Leisure World governance and this needs to be rectified.

Honest, informed discussion with input from professional property managers would help shareholders and board members together evaluate the present ineffective governing model and plan for the implementation of an improved model for the future. Failure to do this is in no one’s best interest.

Anne Walshe

Leisure World