Letters to the Editor: Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012

Chamber change of guard

I have to admit that when I took on the position of president, the amount of work seemed intimidating.

How could I possibly make it through a 12-month term? It seems almost surreal that I write this letter for the last time as president of the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce.

So how did it suddenly fly by so fast? Simple, really … I was involved in numerous events, participated with a fantastic group of volunteers and surrounded myself with a passionate group of business leaders. In the end it was like spending meaningful time with a group of friends on a daily and weekly basis.

When you view it that way, it’s easy to see how the time flies by.

I’m proud of what the board of directors accomplished this year and the many achievements of our members.

We were challenged with tragedy, adversity and staff changes only to emerge stronger and more tightly bonded.

Our relationship with the city and the Lion’s club made all of our events run more smoothly while growing in size.

But I have to be honest, the most exciting changes are just around the corner! Quietly, myself and our office staff have been working on a project that will change the way you, the public, interact with our member businesses.

This project will shorten the distance between your needs (think plumber, contractor, computer repair etc) and a business you can trust that provides the matching products and services.

The goal is to keep our members “top-of-mind” with our community as the go-to resource for all their needs.

So get ready for Seal Beach Chamber 2.0.

The next chapter is about to begin!

Nat Ferguson

President, Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce

Navy barber shop

Major Gray is absolutely right! The new barber shop appears to be an attempt to reflect the conditions that existed in World War II era destroyers.

Understandable then; inexcusable now.

Larry Danielson, Captain, USN (Ret).

Seal Beach

Thanks for car wash article

Thank you so very much Sun Newspaper for running the Wilson Cheerleader’s fundraising car wash info and photo in the Sun.

Everyone saw the paper and the car wash was an enormous success!  The girls are now one big step closer to their goal of competing in Florida, thanks in part to you. The 2012 Wilson High School Cheer Clinic is the final and biggest fundraiser of the year and it’s just a few weeks away.  I am hoping I can twist your arm to put the word out in the paper and again, let the community know.  I am attaching the information as well as including it here.

In any case, I sincerely thank you once again for all your support.

Katy Cable

WCHS CheerBooster (PR Chairman)

Poll Results

Should Seal Beach pay Long Beach Transit $123,000 to reinstate bus service to Old Town?

Yes—33.33 percent


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