Film maker tells SBIFA ‘the story of Indonesia’

Local film maker Jackie Baird-Bunker is returning to the Seal Beach International Friendship Association’s  May meeting to share her most recent film production entitled: “Bali, Borneo and Beyond, The Story of  Indonesia,” which is comprised of over 17,000 islands. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 19, at the Mary Wilson Library Senior Center, 707 Electric Ave., Seal Beach.

Learn about Orangutan rehabilitation efforts in Borneo since the first sanctuary was established for these big red apes of the rain forest.

Meet Big Tom, the alpha male of one family, and see him protect his Jack Fruit from a marauding wild pig.  Stalk the prehistoric-looking Komodo dragon on Rinca and Komodo Islands with it’s shark-like bite and saliva containing more than 20 deadly strains of bacteria.

Travel through Bali, recently made famous in the movie, “Eat, Love, Pray” to see colorful funeral processions and worshippers at the famous Bat Cave Temple; and see the palace home of the Sultan of Jakarta.

In addition to tasting Chinese-influenced Indonesian food, attendees will also learn about and have an opportunity to try a delightful wooden Indonesian musical instrument belonging to member Dr. Thomas Gan at the dinner meeting.

Opportunity drawing: Members with last names beginning with initials N through Z are requested to bring unwrapped gifts worth $5 or more.

The monies received are earmarked for humanitarian organizations and/or scholarships for students going on to college majoring in subjects related to international studies or languages.

The dinner meeting is open to the public.

The cost is $12 for member, $22 or couples, $15 for non-members or $27 for couples and $10 or students. RSVP by May 15 by contacting Claire Yeh (562) 431-5414 or by e-mail at: Pay with checks at the reception table.

To cancel your reservation, a call to (562) 212-6456.