Seal Beach will be the showcase for 600-plus vintage cars, hot rods, custom cars, antiques, and celebrity appearances, and the 27th Annual Seal Beach Classic Car Show promises to be the biggest and best yet. The event is free and open to the public, with ample free parking at the Naval Weapons Station in Seal Beach, with pedestrian and shuttle access to the show. The show is taking place Saturday, April 26, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Main Street in Old Town Seal Beach.
More than 30,000 attendees ranging from families and friends to extreme auto enthusiasts will spend the day viewing over 600 vintage cars in 26 classes at this judged event.
“We are thrilled to have James Bell, head of Consumer Affairs for General Motors, as our Master of Ceremonies,” announced Vince Bodiford, Chair of the event and Vice President of the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce.
Festivities include live music throughout the day from bands on three stages, fun and interesting vendor and nostalgic displays, a Pinewood Derby, celebrity appearances, Seal Beach Lion’s pancake breakfast and hotdog lunch and an all new People’s Choice Award.
The show will be nationally broadcast on two networks – Velocity Network “Lokar Classic Car Series,” and “Dream Rides,” on MAT Network.
Master’s Entertainment is producing the two televised segments.
Special features include a pair of Helms Bakery wagons, IHRA Hall of Famer Kent Fuller’s Bonneville Streamliner, NHRA Dragster/Funnycar “Cacklefest” at the pier, drag racing stars, famed car builder Gary Wales with his 1919 La Bestioni, a 2015 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible, a 2015 Cadillac ELR and a special Police vehicle display that is sure to be a real treat.
Seal Beach Cub Scout Pack 116 will host a Pinewood Derby at the Pier from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. All preteen girls and boys are invited to the derby race. Official kits are at Knock Knock Toy Store http://www.knockknocktoystore.com on Main Street in Seal Beach. Trophies will be awarded for the winners, with a $100 savings bond if the Derby winner can beat the Chamber President’s car.
The 27th Annual Seal Beach Classic Car Show is an official event of the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce and could not be produced without the support of generous sponsors, including Original Parts Group http://www.opgi.com, City of Seal Beach http://www.sealbeachca.gov, Sun Newspapers, Russo & Steele http://www.russoandsteele.com Collector Car Auctions, Back in the Day Classics http://www.backinthedayclassics.com, Crevier Classic Cars http://www.crevierclassiccars.com, Glory Days Beachside Grill https://www.facebook.com/GloryDaysSealBeach, and Anytime Fitness. For more information about the Seal Beach Classic Car Show, visit SealBeachChamber.