Veterans Day to be celebrated at area venues

Old Town Seal Beach

The Seal Beach Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Post 4048 and American Legion Post 857 will hold Veterans Day Ceremonies at 11 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 11 at Eisenhower Park, next to the Seal Beach pier in Seal Beach.

The event will start with introductions of Beverly Bonny, Commander of the American Legion Post 857 and Daniel Whitney, Commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4048.

They will be followed by guest speakers, Diana Brunjes, president of the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce and Seal Beach Mayor, Gary Miller, California’s 48th District Congressman, The Honorable Dana Rohrabacher and Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station, Executive Officer, Commander Paul Werring.

The Ceremony Chaplain from Seal Beach Grace Community Church, Pastor Don Shoemaker will preside with music and songs with Dorothy Wineman.

There will be a Color Guard of South-East County Young Marines and “TAPS” will be played by Eagle Scout, Talon Werner.

Joint Force Training Base

On Sunday, Nov. 10, the day before Veterans Day, at the Joint Forces Training Base, Los Alamitos, there will be a Veterans Day Ceremony with a Marine Corps emphasis. Nov. 10 is the Marine Corps Birthday as well as the Sunday before Veterans Day. The Catholic and the non-denominational Protestant congregations, which meet weekly on the base, will join together for this celebration at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, Nov. 10.

The Primary Speaker: Congressman Steven T. Kuykendall. He served in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1999 to 2001 representing California’s 36th Congressional District. He was commissioned a Marine Corps Second Lieutenant in 1968 and served two tours of duty in Vietnam, including the effort to stop the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive in 1972. He was promoted to the rank of Captain and was medically retired in 1973 after a permanent shoulder injury.

Kuykendall is serving now as volunteer president and CEO of Fisher House Southern California,  working to raise funds for the construction of a Fisher House on the Long Beach V. A. Medical Center Campus. One hundred percent of the offering at the service will be given to help with the construction of the Long Beach Fisher House.

The service will be in the East Wing of the Liberty Theater, building 6, the wing closest to the flag pole at the center of the base. The public is invited to share in this Veterans Day Celebration, especially if you are a Marine. Call Chaplain Bill Thompson USA (ret) for more information at (562) 430-8438.