Services, memorials for John Donnelly

Seal Beach resident John Donnelly, 67, was murdered two weeks ago when an arsonist set fire to his home on 17th Street in Old Town. There will be a memorial this Saturday at Glory Days restaurant in Seal Beach, to be followed by services at Rose Hills in Whittier on May 21.

The Glory Days event is May 14 from noon to 4 p.m. at the restaurant. It is suggested that participants wear Hawaiian, tie-dye or reggae attire to the memorial since that was the clothing Donnelly loved.

Donnelly’s cousin, Jim Crotwell, announced the services will be held later this month.

Services for Donnelly will be held on Saturday, May 21 at 11 a.m. at Rose Hills Memorial Park, 3888 Workman Mill Rd., Whittier, CA 90601. The service will be graveside and be located in the Willow Lawn area. A reception and lunch buffet will take place in the Garden View room at Rose Hills following the service. All are invited to come and celebrate John! Email Crotwell at if you have any suggestions about things to include in the service or reception. Since Donnelly loved animals and was a volunteer at the Seal Beach Animal Care Center, donations to the center may be made in his name.