Letter to the Editor: March 13, 2014

Grand Opening Downtown Cafe 3 O’clock in LW

All shareholders are welcome to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony when the doors officially open for the new Downtown Cafe located in CH 5.  There will be free cookies and coffee. Also, hear Irish songs and ballads sung by Galit Levy-Slater as she strums her guitar.  Tour the Cafe and see first-hand how the modern vending machines work.

The machines offer a variety of coffees— French vanilla, mocha, and hazelnut. Burritos, pizza, sandwiches and salads are also available. Snacks, candy, soda, you name it, and it’s probably in one of the machines.  The Cafe is small and cozy and in good weather the adjacent patio area provides more seating. It will be open every day from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

The GRF Recreation Committee sub-committee responsible for the planning of the Cafe are Linda Stone, Paul Pratt, Bob Slater and Anne Seifert, Chair.

They will be there to answer your questions.  GRF President Mario Michaelides and Executive Director Randy Ankeny helped to move this project forward and Terry DeLeon, Recreation Supervisor attended to the many details.

Thanks goes to Pastor James Oliver of the Community Church who donated furniture for the Cafe.

Join us for socializing and fun from 3- 4 p.m. on Monday, March 17 at the Downtown Cafe in Clubhouse Five.

Anne Seifert

Seal Beach Leisure World

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