Letters to the Editor: Thursday, May 31, 2018

Opposed to special event on Main Street

I am opposed to the weekly street fair. This is NOT a farmers market, it’s more like a swap meet. Street performers, loud music and trinkets. Merchants in Huntington Beach (where this happens every Tuesday night) hate it. Go see if for yourself. Some businesses even close up on Tuesday nights. Residents hate it too. Many Seal Beach Merchants don’t want it here either but are intimidated about speaking out.

I’m told our city officials contacted the Huntington Beach promoter to bring this same circus here. They want the money from the booth rentals (even though they are offering FREE parking in our very full beach lots). Residents will soon tire of not finding parking, not being able to drive down Main Street (from 2-9 p.m.), the traffic and noise.

Occasionally, events in town are novel and fun. But not weekly, in summer, when our little town is already bursting with people. And certainly not every week.

Many of us moved here because Seal Beach is laid back and not Huntington Beach. I think this vision keeps our property values strong. Having a weekly street fair is a mistake for Seal Beach residents and merchants.

Wendie DeBie

Seal Beach

Crime Log reaches a new low

Over the past several months both the content and quality of reporting associated with the Crime Log has progressively deteriorated. Although I did not think it possible, after reading the May 24, 2018, edition the Crime Log has sadly reached a new low. One particular modification worth commenting on is based on elementary marketing and sales. The Crime Log should be written with its target audience in mind – the average citizen. I don’t think the average citizen is impressed with the modification of reporting in military time.


An average citizen

Robert A Ricci

Seal Beach