Seal Beach Lions donate $15K for CLFIS van

The Seal Beach Lions recently donated $15,000 to California Lions Friends in Sight. CLFIS provides free vision screenings and recycled eyeglasses throughout Southern California and Northern Mexico. All are welcome, especially children and those with financial hardship. During these screenings, licensed doctors provide an eye health assessment and if necessary, free recycled eyeglasses.

The old heavy duty van CLFIS used to transport glasses and equipment to the screening sites needs to be replaced.

Pat Dundas (center) came to a recent meeting of the Seal Beach Lions Club to accept a check for the final $15,000 needed to buy a new van for CLFIS. This check included matching funds from the California Lions Foundation. Lion John Schroeder (left) represented CLF and Lion Cathy Newton (right) represented Seal Beach Lions.