What’s happening on Pacific Coast Highway between Anderson Street and Seal Beach Boulevard?
Caltrans District 12 Christine Knadler said: “The Resident Engineer confirmed that the median is throughout the project, which will extend from Seal Beach to Newport Beach. The median in the area from Seal Beach Boulevard to Anderson Street is in construction at this time and will span that entire section. In this area, one part of the project is to upgrade and improve drainage. The median had to be deleted to make those improvements. Once the new drainage system is in, the median will be replaced and upgraded to current standards. Once the median work is done, crews will restripe the bike lanes to the original width in that area. The project is a two-year project with construction pausing from Memorial Day to Labor Day each year.”
The project is a SHOPP-funded project (State Highway Operation and Protection Program) which funds safety and condition improvements to the state highway system.