Visitor vows never to return
I am writing to ask for your help in a matter that should not have been taken to this level.
I am a loyal summer vacationer of your area. We have spent the last four years vacationing on your beach. We have spent the last four years eating in your restaurants, shopping in your stores and dealing with your unreasonable parking conditions. As we have every year we paid for parking in your lot multiple days in a row. As instructed we put our parking pass on the dash of the truck. We sometimes have multiple passes sitting on the dash.
On June 1st of 2015 parking attendant McDonald issued us a citation 8.20.01 (b-c) SBMC – Parking W/O Payment / No Permit Displayed.
She went on to write “Expired Permit 5-31-15.” When we located a parking attendant (who just happened to be McDonald herself) and explained the mix-up she stated “just mail in the proof and that should take care of it.”
Not thinking much about it I figured I would take care of this when we get home from our summer vacation. Once we arrived home in late June I did as McDonald had instructed to do and mailed in the parking ticket as well as proof that we actually purchased said ticket.
Weeks later we received another bill from the great City of Seal Beach for $71. So we called and spoke with the City of Seal Beach thinking that this must have just crossed paths in the mail. Well I was wrong. They stated that we owe the money because we did not mail our proof in fast enough. We got nowhere with them except frustrated.
I would like to let you know that as of this last summer we will no longer return to the City of Seal Beach because of this matter. Please understand that you do not have the cleanest beaches or the nicest bathrooms. Your parking is rough at best.
We have always returned because we like the shops, restaurants and specialty boutiques that you have down the Main Street. I know that losing one loyal vacationer will not cause you any issues because you are overcrowded in the summer anyways.
But if I took the time to write you and explain my issue, can you imagine how many people just stop coming to your city without informing you of the problem?
I do know some of you are getting this e-mail and you are wondering why. You all play a role in the way that the City of Seal Beach is run, as a result every displeased or unhappy vacationer affects you. You all either work or volunteer to make the City of Seal Beach a better place to live as well as a profitable city.
Please understand I am not asking for you to make the $71 fine go away because we all know since I will not be back it does not matter.
I truly wish you all a good day.
Tim Stansberry
Phoenix, Arizona
Stop the bullying
Thanks to the Sun News’ great edition on July 30, 2015. Everything from the first page “Summer of Love,” onto the Editorial Cartoon and then the Conference at the Hilton “Educators join law enforcement for “Safe Schools” event. At this event there were to be 48 sessions available with topics beginning with bullying.
There should be such a session in Seal Beach’s 55+ Community. It seems that when people get a little bit of power; such as a director, member, representative, and an employee, they now feel powerful. Perhaps, it is easier to bully the elderly and abuse them in some “hidden” way. Calling them, threatening them, accusing them, notifying “Gates and Patrol” on them and last but not least calling the Seal Beach Police with lies about them. And of course, the bully claims to have “witnesses” against the abused person.
As one resident stated: “they want to be the enforcers” but residents should not believe their rhetoric.”
Then a director of one of the largest Boards stated: “there is a procedure for bullying.” Of course, there is no procedure for helping the bullied person, according to an employee. On one of the 55+ Community churches outside message board there was a statement in very large letters: “PRACTICE KINDNESS.” Great idea!
Perhaps, a Safe 55+ community session regarding bullying might be the answer. But for now the bullying will continue in Seal Beach’s 55+ Community, watch and see.
Carol Franz
Leisure World
Sun fan weighs in
Concerning your July 23rd issue, which contains a story on the Bay Theatre.
This story is almost unreadable … I’m tempted to think it was written in a foreign language by an elementary school student and then run through Google Translate.
The Theater issue is an important one; I think it deserves at least proofreading for syntax, tense agreement, general grammar and proper word choice (not to mention the painful nonsense of many of the paragraphs) before publishing.
Jon Allen
Lots of beauty in Seal Beach
Recently my friend took me to the boardwalk at Seal Beach Pier.
We had a great time strolling by the boardwalk while watching the surfers challenge the incoming waves. Very thrilling! There were also several fishermen enjoying fishing.
It’s commendable to note surfers did a good job helping clean the beach where everyone young and old had fun strolling and running on a healthy-clean beach.
We are fortunate to enjoy the awesome sunny California weather.
Swimming, beach volleyball playing, flying colorful kites, playing with the dogs, feasting with ice cream, etc., are tremendous varieties of outdoor activities to embrace especially this beautiful summer.
Lisa A. Dickson
Leisure World