Letters to the Editor: published Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019

Save our village—shop local

Help save our village! In this age of online merchandising, we are fortunate to have shops like knock knock Toys & Gifts on Main Street. It is so easy to go on Amazon to order everything we can imagine, that we forget how enjoyable it is to go into a shop like knock knock and be assisted by someone like Lisa, the owner. The other evening when we were strolling up Main Street, I mentioned that we needed to purchase some toys for Christmas gifts. Ken suggested that we go into knock knock. Lisa was so very pleasant and helped us find exactly what we needed. Lisa has been a very valuable contributor to Seal Beach for years. Let’s not forget our local merchants. They are what make our community so special. Help save out small village atmosphere.

Maureen Stanford and Ken Hamdorf

Seal Beach


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