The Los Alamitos Education Foundation donated $20,000 on November 5 to provide funding to keep Well Spaces stocked and supplied on all nine Los Alamitos Unified School District campuses. The donation provided $1000 to each of the six elementary schools, and $2000 each for Oak, McAuliffe and LAHS. It also gives $3000 to establish a Well Space for the Adult Transition Program located on the District Office campus. Well Spaces are calm, comfortable spaces where students can reset and seek counseling support.
The donation also includes a Counseling Intern stipend for the Spring Semester at $5000. This intern joins the other seven individuals supporting students across our district in our Well Spaces under the supervision of district Wellness Counselors. Los Alamitos USD has five Wellness Counselors providing curriculum and counseling support in school Well Spaces – Stacy Eatmon at Los Alamitos and Lee, Tina Heeren at McGaugh and Rossmoor, Stacy Schmidt at Hopkinson and Weaver, Dr. Kirsten Jensen at McAuliffe and Oak, and Emily Ledterman at Los Alamitos High School. To date, LAEF has donated $133,185 to support counseling interns.
“We are so happy to continue supporting mental health and wellness for all Los Al kids,” said LAEF Executive Director Carrie Logue. “We will continue to partner with the district to meet the needs of students, and can only do so thanks to the generous support of our community.”
This marks the ninth year in a row that LAEF has made funding mental health a top priority. In total, LAEF has invested $640,000 since 2017 to support Well Spaces and salaries of mental health counselors. These donations are possible because of LAEF’s major donor group: the Los Al Leadership Circle (LALC). LALC members are distinguished, significant supporters who commit to donating a minimum of $1,000 annually to LAEF’s visionary work. To learn more, please visit LAEF4Kids.org/LALC.
LAEF is the non-profit partner of Los Alamitos Unified School District. LAEF enhances educational excellence by providing after-school and summer enrichment programs to children in grades TK to 12. LAEF impacts all students by providing significant funding for mental health, innovation grants, and program scholarships, as well as igniting new programs and providing valuable resources. For more information, visit LAEF4Kids.org or call (562) 799-4700 Extension 80424.