Longtime KTLA Traffic Reporter and Rossmoor resident Ginger Chan did a live report on California Clean Air Day (Oct. 6) from Rossmoor’s Rush Park.
“When it comes to air pollution, we can all do our part. Whether you’re an individual, business, government agency or nonprofit organization, there are things we all can do to improve air quality and protect public health,” said the mother of three children and wife of KTLA Helicopter pilot/reporter Mark Kono.
“In a state with some of the worst air pollution in the United States, it’s imperative that we do.” Chan said.
She talked with children and crossing guards near the park about the importance of helping clean up the environment.
There are lots of things you can do to improve air quality, including creating a picture about polluted air to make others aware; bring a lunch to school or work; plant a tree and buy local produce.
Chan pledged to start walking to the grocery store with her kids more often, instead of driving.
California Clean Air Day is built on the idea that shared experiences unite people to action to improve our community health. By joining together for a unified day of action, we can create new habits to clear the air for all members of California’s diverse communities.
California Clean Air Day is a project of the Coalition For Clean Air. You can learn more and take the pledge at: https://www.ccair.org.