City Manager Jill Ingram last week issued an update on contracts that either she or Seal Beach department heads authorized in the past quarter. This was an item on the Consent Calendar. Consent items are voted on collectively, without discussion unless pulled from the calendar for separate consideration. This item was not pulled for separate consideration.
“The City Manager had the authority to approve and execute contracts up to the amount of $36,514 during the second quarter,” according to the staff report by Deputy City Clerk Dana Engstrom. (Engstrom served as acting city clerk during the absence of City Clerk Gloria Harper, who recently to work this week.)
“As of July 25, 2022, the City Manager’s signing authority increased and is now $39,524,” Engstrom wrote.
The city code allows the city manager to delegate her spending authority to the various department heads, according to Engstrom’s report.
“Other than the Director of Public Works and the Director of Finance/City Treasurer, this authority shall not exceed $15,000 per purchase or contract,” Engstrom wrote.
“For the Director of Public Works, the limit is established per the City’s Charter Section 1010,” Engstrom wrote.
“For the Director of Finance/City Treasurer, other than for Finance Department expenditures which is set at $15,000, there is additional authority to authorize purchases for City Departments up to the City Manager’s established contract signing authority,” Engstrom wrote.
According to the report, the contracts approved from March 8 to June 30 were:
• Agreement date 03/08/2022—Approved by City Manager—with Liebert Cassidy Whitmore—Amount $4,545— for Special Services Agreement for Orange County Employment Relations Consortium Membership—Expires 12/31/2022
• Agreement date 03—04/25/2022—Approved by City Manager—with Bob Hall & Associates—Amount:$18,500—for Recruitment for the position of Director of Finance—expires 10/22/2022
• Agreement date 04/29/2022—Approved by Public Work—with LAE Associates, Inc.—Amount: $34,640—for Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement for Lampson Avenue Bike Lane Gap Closure Design, Project Management Services—Expires 12/31/2024
• Agreement date 05/30/2022—approved by Public Works —for Freelance Masonry—Amount: $20,000—For Main Street Paver Repair Project 2022—Until work fully completed
• Agreement date 06/10/2022—Approved Public Works—with Richard C. Slade—Amount:$8,687—for Amendment #1 Hydrogeological Services, Beverly Manor Well Rehabilitation—expires 12/31/2023