California Geological Survey updates Seal Beach Tsunami Hazard Area Map

The California Geological Survey has released a new Tsunami Hazard Area map for  Orange County, useful for  evacuation planning in an  extraordinary event.

The map allows users to type in an  address to determine whether the  property is within a tsunami hazard area. Local tsunami evacuation material will  be  added to the  online map interface as  it is developed.

Working with the  California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), these Tsunami Hazard Area maps include new data and improved computer modeling results, and replace maps published by  CGS in 2009. The new maps are  not  only based on  how far  inland a surge of seawater might go  in a worst-case scenario but  also include minor inland “buffers” to roads and landmarks to clarify where people must evacuate to be safe. These buffer areas also account for  potential errors and uncertainties in the modeling.

While the  new map for  Orange County takes a variety of potential tsunami sources into account, the  worst-case scenario would result from a magnitude 9.3  earthquake in the eastern Aleutian Islands.

The City of Seal Beach is a Tsunami Ready Community.  This is a national certification issued by  the  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Weather Service (NWS).  To  be  recognized as  a Tsunami Ready Community there are  a variety of criteria that must be  met.  They are:

• Establish a 24-hour warning point and emergency operations center

• Have more than one way to receive tsunami warnings and alert the  public

• Promote public readiness through community education and distribution of information

• Develop a formal tsunami plan, which includes holding emergency exercises

• Comply with TsunamiReady guidelines

In partnership with Cal  OES, NOAA, and Chapman University the  Tsunami Evacuation Map located at a kiosk at the  base of the  pier will  be  updated in the  next few  weeks with the  updated map (attached) as well as a second kiosk installed in the  First Street Beach lot.

The maps will  also be  made available here: preparedness.

Seal Beach Police Sergeant Brian Gray is the  Emergency Services Coordinator for  the City of Seal Beach. Although Sergeant Gray is assigned to the  Police Department, he oversees Emergency Management for  the  entire City of Seal Beach.

Emergency management is dealing with and avoiding disasters. Disasters can be natural, such as earthquakes, floods, and severe storms, or man-made, such as  major transportation accidents, fires, and terrorism. Regardless of the  cause of the  disaster, emergency management is intended to be  comprehensive to prepare for,  mitigate, respond to,  and recover from any disaster. There are  four phases of emergency management that make up the “emergency life cycle”: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. These phases represent the  various elements of a disaster. All phases are  interconnected, and everyone has responsibilities in all four phases.

For  additional information or questions about emergency preparedness, please contact: Emergency Services Coordinator Sergeant Brian Gray at (562) 799-4100 ext. 1658 or