Aunt Gertie and the Olive Queen

Aunt Gertie and Tammy Hauswirth (on left).

Aunt Gertie went to visit Tammy Hauswirth, the Olive Queen.  She knows her way around an olive like Leonardo da Vinci knew his way around the Mona Lisa.  Who knew olives were pressed three times?  I thought they threw ‘em in a big old tub and started hopping up and down like Lucy and Ethel in the grape stomping episode on TV.  First pressing is for the oil, second for body care, and third for bio fuel and soil amendments.  Every last drop is used, nothing goes to waste.  How great is that!

Tammy told me their olive oil tasting room has monthly cooking shows put on by Chef Debbi Dubbs.  All you cooks and foodies out there better listen up because you will absolutely love the demos.  And the menu changes monthly.

One of their very unique ideas is to give dogs special treats and water.  Some of the owners cannot pass by the store without being pulled in the door by their hungry, thirsty dogs.  One was so enthusiastic he knocked Tammy on her patootie!  She laughed about it and I cracked up too.

I was amazed at how many products are made from olives like spreads, herbs, soaps, lotions and they even have a coffee scrub.

I was blown away to find out caffeine is great for the skin!

Temecula Olive Oil Company is a family owned and operated business.  They ship orders all over the continental United States and the world.  Their ranch in Temecula has tours and Tammy gave Aunt Gertie a special pass and I’m ready to mosey on down there for the royal treatment.  I’m so excited I can’t even stand myself!

I never did find out what extra virgin meant.  Sheesh!  I was ready for a wild and woolly story!

Drop into their Seal Beach location at 148 Main Street, for some fabulous olive oil and vinegar tasting and tell Tammy, Aunt Gertie sent you!

Karen Hadley, creator of Aunt Gertie, can be reached by email at or