You may be hearing the sounds of pile driving from Naval Weapons Seal Beach. (A resident recently came to the Sun office to complain about it.) It’s part of the construction of the new ammunition pier at the base. The pile driving began Dec. 3., according to according a recent email from Gregg Smith, public affairs officer for the Navy base.
“We don’t have specific hours of operation, as daylight is needed to safely perform pile driving operations and that changes over the course of the year,” Smith wrote.
“However, as a general rule of thumb, pile driving would start sometime between 7-8 am and go until late afternoon or early evening. So far we have not received any complaints,” Smith wrote.
The base issued an announcement advising the public about the pile-driving in mid-November. At the time, the Navy reported that September testing indicated that the pile-driving part of the work would be finished in summer of 2022.
The piles—more than 900 of them, according the November announcement—will support the pier that will be in the center of Anaheim Bay. If this project seems familiar to you, it should. According to the Navy, the ammo pier project began in December 2019. The Navy expects to finish the project in 2024.