Home Events Rotary Fishing Derby set for August 19

Rotary Fishing Derby set for August 19

Brothers Levi Bersuch (age 4) and Ward Bersuch (Age 7) are the winners in the younger categories.

On Saturday, Aug. 19, the picturesque shores of Seal Beach will be transformed into a hub of youthful enthusiasm as the Rotary Club of Los Alamitos/Cypress/Seal Beach hosts the much awaited 34th Annual Seal Beach Fishing Derby. With free registration open to all children aged 15 years and younger, this heartwarming event promises to cast a spell of joy on participants and spectators alike. The event runs from 7 a.m. to noon.

Dubbed a “catch, weigh, and release” event, the Seal Beach Fishing Derby puts a strong emphasis on environmental stewardship and conservation. As each fish is reeled in, participants will have the opportunity to weigh and measure their catch, celebrating their achievements before gently releasing the aquatic wonders back into their natural habitat.

The young anglers will be competing in three age categories, making the event accessible and enjoyable for participants of all skill levels. Prizes will be awarded to those who reel in the largest fish in each group, fostering a sense of friendly competition and achievement among the youth.

The sense of community spirit and camaraderie extends beyond the fishing itself. The generous support of local sponsors, including West Marine, Southland Credit Union, and Ganahl Lumber, has allowed the Rotary Club to organize an array of exciting activities throughout the day. Alongside the angling action, participants and their families can indulge in a complimentary pancake breakfast generously provided by the Seal Beach Lions, a cherished tradition that brings together both seasoned and novice anglers to bond over a delicious meal.

“This event is all about creating memorable experiences for the children,” said Rotary Club President Dave Barnes, a longtime member of the Rotary Club and one of the key organizers of the Fishing Derby. “Watching their faces light up when they reel in their first catch is what makes this event so special.”

Indeed, the Seal Beach Fishing Derby is more than just a fishing competition; it’s a celebration of youthful curiosity, community support, and the spirit of giving. The joyous laughter, proud smiles, and shared moments of triumph make it evident that the true catch of the day is the precious memories that will be cherished by these young anglers for a lifetime.

After the trophies and prizes have been awarded, the organizers and sponsors can rest assured that they have successfully created an unforgettable day for the youth of Seal Beach.

The 34th Annual Seal Beach Fishing Derby has once again shown that when a community comes together to support its children, the ripples of happiness spread far and wide, leaving a lasting impact on everyone involved.

So, if you find yourself near Seal Beach on Aug. 19, be sure to witness the magic of the Seal Beach Fishing Derby. Who knows, you might even catch a smile or two.