The regular August meeting of the Grampaw Pettibone Squadron at the Elks Lodge in Garden Grove was certainly not routine. The presence of the Sailors of the Quarter from the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station stirred the hearts of our members—many of whom had served in the military, especially the Navy, in earlier days. Today’s outstanding sailors from the Naval Weapons Station included the Senior Sailor of the Quarter: MA1 Jayananda Moy (not present because of responsibilities at work); Junior SOQ: MA2 Joshua Ramirez; and Bluejacket of the Quarter: MA3 Johnathon Lewis. Those recognized from the Navy Munitions Command CONUS West Division Unit, Seal Beach were the Senior SOQ: YN1 (SW/AW) Joseph Williams; Junior SOQ YN2 (SW/AW) Joanna Carbajalmendiola; and Bluejacket of the Quarter: MN3 Freddie Parson. The Commanding Officer of the Base, Captain Noel Dahlke, the Command Senior Chief Petty Officer Kirby Lee, and MNC Brian Lampman presided in the presentation of the Grampaw Pettibone Squadron Certificates of Recognition to the sailors being honored.
We also appreciate the local restaurants who participated in today’s honoring the SOQs with gift certificates. Gift certificates came from Seal Beach, and on Main Street were: 320 MAIN, Avila’s El Ranchito, Bistro St. Germain, Crema Café, Hennessey’s Tavern, The Abbey, and; on PCH were Finbar’s Italian Restaurant, Glory Days Beachside Grill, Mahe`, and Yucatan Grill; on Seal Beach Blvd were: California Pizza Kitchen, Chick-fil-A, and Santa Fe Importers. Restaurants in Long Beach were: Mimi’s (PCH) and Corner Bakery Café (PCH), and Ruby’s on 2nd St. Restaurants in Sunset Beach were: Fish Camp and Harry’s Rooftop Patio and Grill. Included was the Crab Cooker in Newport Beach. Also, the USAA Insurance Company sent attractive plaques to be presented to the sailors.
For the program of the day, retired Mr.Stephen Tucker, former Captain, USMC, presented a vivid recollection of his service in Vietnam as a Marine pilot. He flew Marine helicopters in and around Khe Sanh during the Tet Offensive in 1968. Members of the Long Beach Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America Post were visiting today specially to see this excellent presentation.
Grampaw Pettibone Squadron meets monthly on the second Thursday at the Elks Lodge in Garden Grove.