Home About Seal Beach Letters to the Editor: Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019

Letters to the Editor: Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019

Leisure World: Mutual presidents have the power

Leisure World governance is a merry-go-round. New residents to the community volunteer to be on boards without having any idea that our governing structure is dysfunctional. Everyone “assumes” that the status quo must be the best way to govern a large community. No one questions how it might be better. New people step up to fill board positions and look only at the trees, never seeing the forest. Eventually the “new” residents burn-out, jump off the merry-go-round and even newer residents jump on to keep it going. Round and round it goes. No forward progress. Nothing changes.

One constant is this: shareholders want to save money. Yet, no one demands a professional study to determine where significant savings might be realized. In the meantime, GRF spends and spends while the Mutuals go off in different directions.

Recently a slick attorney came into the community and convinced 10 of 16 Mutuals to ban together, hire him, and change their by-laws. That hasn’t worked out so well.

The Mutual Presidents should have met with a professional who could study our financial reports to find the savings we would realize if we were one Mutual, not sixteen. You don’t believe that is true? Please prove it with an analysis of our management structure and financial records that shows that you are right.

If the majority of shareholders are really interested in keeping monthly assessments low, why is there no collective demand for financial analysis? By remaining divided into 16 Mutuals, we enable the GRF Board to spend our money unchecked. The incentive to change that does not lie with the GRF Board.

Collectively the Mutuals have the power. When will the Mutual presidents wake up, step up and use the power they have to keep our monthly assessments low?

Anne Walshe

Mutual 9, Leisure World

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