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Letters to the Editor

Shame is no longer part of our emotional lives

Thank you very much for your front-page coverage of the LGBTQ Pride parade as well as your thorough publication of the recent activities at the LosAl school board and its plans for ethnic studies and social justice standards.

As an 80-year-old lesbian, I would like to respond to the letter from the local GOP leader in the recent issue. In my lifetime LGBTQ people were criminalized, told we were mentally ill and for years were required to hide in order not to lose jobs and sometimes, family support.

Fortunately, thanks to the courage and diligence of our gay brothers and sisters, the laws have changed, and we no longer need to fear unfair discrimination in employment, housing, and military service. Marriage laws now legitimize our loving relationships and progress has been made in policing. The patch that you find offensive signals to all that the SBPD knows and respects the law and their fellow officers. Attitudes have changed for the better in many quarters.

In June of each year, we celebrate that shame is no longer a part of our emotional lives. So, all we ask, stop, with the criticism. We would all be happier just to left alone to live our best lives and not have to deal with your issues.

And, the GOP would do well to clean its own house.

Pat Kruger

Seal Beach

Finally a community home in Seal Beach

After having come out as transgender in ‘78 while living in Seal Beach, I find it comforting that our community finally has a home in Seal, whereas when I came out, it was not the case. Kudos for being a beacon of hope. I was a resident from 1967-81. I’m looking forward to visiting again. 

Patrice Murphy

Gig Harbor

What is Juneteenth and why we all should celebrate?

The Emancipation Proclamation was signed by Abraham Lincoln in September of 1862 reading; “on the first day of January in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.”

The new law was not enforced as quickly, especially in states with a low presence of Union Troops, in the 1860’s and took more than 2 ½ years to reach rural parts of Texas. On June 19th 1865, the announcement of General Order No. 3 by Union Army General Gordon Granged proclaimed freedom from slavery in Texas.

We celebrate our country’s freedom on July 4th, every year, acknowledging 1776 as the year we became free. Before The Emancipation Proclamation, there were 4.5 million people living in the United States that were not free.

Knowing and accepting the faults of our Country’s origins will only make us stronger. I believe that we are only as strong as our weakest, rich as our poorest and healthy as our sickest. As Juneteenth becomes more popular, we should reflect on why this holiday is needed and how everyone can be part of the celebration of Freedom Day. Like many, this holiday is fairly new to me. I encourage others to read more about this, get involved in a community in need and all be part of celebration. “Unless all are free, no one is free.”

Steve Miller

Seal Beach