Main Street experienced a mellow St. Patrick’s Day on Saturday, March 17, 2018.
There were zero DUI arrests, according to Sgt. Michael Henderson, public information officer for the Seal Beach Police Department.
According to Henderson, there were “seven arrests for public intoxication or disorderly conduct. Many people were given the option of getting a ride home.”
As in prior years, SBPD received assistance from other law enforcement agencies. “Buena Park PD, Fountain Valley PD and Orange County Sheriff contributed 14 additional Officers,” Henderson said.
“Approximately ten Volunteers (in Policing) worked in support of the St. Patrick’s Day deployment. One Reserve Officer worked,” Henderson said.
The mobile police command post was located next to the Central Avenue Fire Station this year.
District One Councilwoman Ellery Deaton, whose district includes Main Street, said, “I walked Main and walked through the bars and found Saint Patrick’s Day well under control. Thanks to the Police Department, Chief Miller and all his officers as well as Wink and Patty of CERT.”
Friday, March 2
False Evidence of Age—Midnight—Main Street—Police received a report of someone possessing or using false evidence of their age.
Found Property—11:28 a.m.—Pacific Coast Highway—The log did not specify the nature of the property found.
DUI Reported—8:11 p.m.—Seal Beach Boulevard and Westminster Avene—Police received a report of someone driving under the influence of alcohol.
Saturday, March 3
Found Property—Midnight—Main Street—The log did not specify the nature of the property found.
Forgery—9 a.m. to 5 p.m.—Seal Way—Police received a report of the forgery of another person’s name or the name of a ficticous person between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Saturday, March 3.
DUI Reported—7:43 p.m.—Pacific Coast Highway and Seal Beach Boulevard—Police received a report of someone driving under the influence of alcohol.
Sunday, March 4
Shoplifting—9:55 a.m.—Seal Beach Boulevard—Police received a report of the shoplifting of less than $950 worth of merchandise.
Arrest—Seal Beach Boulevard—No time provided—Police arrested Brooksey Joanne Abel on suspcion of shoplifting less than $950 worth of merchandise. No further details provided.
Monday, March 5
Petty Theft Report—Time unknown—Teaberry CIrcle—Police on Monday, March 5, received a report of petty theft from a car between 8 a.m., Thursday, March 1, and 7:30 a.m., Friday, March 2. No further details provided.
Traffic accident—6:34 p.m.—Unknown Street—Police received a report of a traffic accident on State Route #1 at a street described in the log as unknown. Remaining details were blacked out in the log.
Tuesday, March 6
Controlled Substance—8:17 p.m.—Seal Beach Boulevard—Police discovered or received a report of someone in misdemeanor posession of narcotics/a controlled substance.
Controlled Substance—6:39 a.m.—Seal Beach Boulevard—Police discovered or received a report of someone in misdemeanor posession of narcotics/a controlled substance.
Arrest—No time provided—Seal Beach Boulevard—Police arrested Branden Hyongseok Choi on suspicion of misdemeanor posession of narcotics/a controlled substance.
Thursday, March 8
Arrest—No time provided—Seal Beach Boulevard—Police arrested Kathleen Lisa Wegner on suspicion of misdemeanor posession of narcotics/a controlled substance.
Friday, March 9
Carrying Loaded FIrearm—12:13 p.m.—Seal Beach Boulevard—Police discovered or received a report of an individual carrying a loaded firearm on his person or in his car in a public place.
Petty Theft—6:56 p.m.—Seal Beach Boulevard.
Shopping/Laundry Cart—11:25 p.m.—Westminser Avenue—Police discovered or received a report of an individual in possession of a shopping or laundry cart.
Arrest—No time provided—Seal Beach Boulevard—Police arrested Thomas Hosea Solomon on suspicion of carrying a concealed weapon on his person. Solomon is currently listed in custody in the Orange County Jail.
According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department website, bail is set at $20,000. According to the OCSD website, he is scheduled to appear in court on March 21.
Saturday, March 10
Disorderly Conduct—12:34 a.m.—Westminster Avenue and Seal Beach Boulevard—Police discovered or received a report of disorderly conduct involving alcohol.
Drug Paraphernalia—3:25 a.m.—Seal Beach Boulevard and Road C—Police discovered or received a report of someone in possession of illegal drug paraphernalia.
Disorderly Conduct—11:29 p.m.—Eighth Street—Police discovered or received a report of someone engaged in disorderly conduct involving alcohol.
Arrest—No time provided—Westminster Avenue—Police arrested Maria Phillip Ursu on suspicion of misemeanor possession of a shopping or laundry cart.
Arrest—No time provided—Wesminster Avenue—Police arrested Nuria Elena Hernandez on possession of disorderly conduct involving alchol.
Arrest—No time provided—Seal Beach Boulevard—Police arrested Marisol Manriquez on suspicion of possession of illegal drug paraphernalia.
Arrest—No time provided—Seal Beach Boulevard and Road C—Police arrested Michael Cruz Avalos on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.
Arrest—No time provided—Eighth Street—Police arrested Cristiaan James Bougourd on suspicion of disorderly conduct involving alcohol.
Traffic Accident—8 a.m.—Westminster Aveneu—Police received a report of a traffic accident on Westminster Avenue involving uknown persons.
Sunday, March 11
Traffic Accident—9:14 a.m.—Pacific Coast Highway—Police received a report of a traffic accident on Pacific Coast Highway.
Monday, March 12
Arrest—No time provided—Harvard Lane—Police arrested Paul Depasquale on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.
Tuesday, March 13
Drug Paraphernalia—3:18 a.m.—Marina Drive and Pacific Coast Higwhay—Police discovered or received a report of someone in possession of illegal drug paraphernaila.
IN Leisure World
Tuesday, March 6
Petty Theft—No time provided—Golden Rain Road, Mutual Unknown—Police on Tuesday, March 6, received a report of petty theft of unspecified property from buildings between noon, Feb. 20 and noon, Feb. 28.
Tuesday, March 1
Vandalism—8:25 a.m.—Howard Avenue—The caller reported a teenage boy wearing a flannel shirt, who was knocking down bricks from a wall. The caller said the individual had knocked down half the wall. He was alone and unknown to the area. The caller said he looked like a high school student, holding a folder.
He was just staring at the bricks for a moment, then began kicking them again. He was then standing and looking at the bricks again, before going behind a garage. The caller could no longer see the young man.
Patrol checked the alley on foot and could not locate the individual, who possibly jumped a fence.