A man with a gun and an alleged pipe bomb robbed a bank near Seal Beach Leisure World mid-afternoon Friday, April 6. Fortunately, no one was physically injured. Unfortunately, the thief got away with an undisclosed amount of money.

The crime was reported at about 3:40 p.m., according to Seal Beach Police Sgt. Steve Bowles. The suspect came into the US Bank in the Seal Beach Village Center, a shopping center commonly but incorrectly referred to as the Leisure World shopping center because it is located next door to the retirement community.
The man brandished a handgun and placed what he said was a pipe bomb on a table inside the bank. He took an undisclosed amount of money from the bank. He ran from the bank, taking the money and the alleged bomb with him.
Police searched the area, but did not find the suspect.
The man was described as white, 25-35 years old, thin, wearing a beige baseball cap and plaid jacket.
Police are asking anyone with information about the robber to call Seal Beach Detective Gary Krogman at (562) 799-4100, extension 1108 or email him at GKrogman@sealbeachca.gov.