Home school event Seal Beach Student coach leads team to more than wins

Student coach leads team to more than wins

The 5th/6th grade FNL team the Chargers.

The 5th/6th grade FNL team the Chargers recently completed the summer season undefeated and took the championship. 

“As exciting as this was, I was extremely impressed by the coaching that led to this victory,” wrote Jennifer Fassoth, a proud Friday Night Lights mom.

“The Chargers were coached by Wes Howard, a Los Alamitos High School student and his friend (I can’t remember his name!). 

“These young coaches never missed a practice or a game.  They were kind and patient with this group of 11 and 12 year old boys,” Fassoth wrote. 

“They were encouraging and supportive of every player, not just the stand outs.  They kept it clean and fun but also put the boys in check when they needed to,” Fassoth wrote. 

“They modeled what good sportsmanship should look like during questionable calls from the ref and more importantly when celebrating a victory over a formidable opponent.