Home Leisure World Letters to the Editor: published Thursday, June 28, 2019

Letters to the Editor: published Thursday, June 28, 2019

Leisure World needs to simplify its governance

When new shareholders buy property in Leisure World, they make their decision on a specific apartment, it’s location, and it’s price, NOT what mutual it is in.

Only after moving in do they learn about the differences in the mutuals. Some shareholders are fortunate to be able to move to another mutual if they don’t like policies of the one they are in. Unfortunately, there are not many shareholders who are able to do that.

So you are “stuck” with the mutual you bought in.

Many shareholders agree that we should be one mutual, not 15 ( excluded is Mutual 17 which is condominiums, not a stock cooperative). Just look at the 7000 series under Golden Rain Foundation Policies, Mutual Administration if you want to understand the problem of having 15 Mutuals, each doing something different from the other.

Over 17 pages of policies; multiple policies for each issue; it’s mind boggling.

We need to update and simplify our governance using the assistance of professional help to guide us.

You don’t think we need professional help? Try to get rid of your toothache without the intervention of a dentist!

Look around Leisure World: many apartments have been beautifully renovated. We are in varying stages of re-piping our apartments; re-roofing our buildings; and looming ahead is the replacement of our sewers. We have up-dated our Clubhouses and our meeting rooms with attractive decor and technological improvements. Why have we not considered an overhaul of our governing structure?

The Leisure World model, created in 1962, is out-dated and dysfunctional. No one would design a community like this today and yet we are led to believe it’s a wonderful way to manage over 6000 apartments and 9000 people. How would a developer design a governing structure for a community our size in 2019? We need to answer that question.

This is an issue to be explored by the Presidents Council, not the GRF Board. Merging the mutuals would eliminate the need for the GRF Board as we know it. So, a welcome benefit would be a new board structure and power would shift from the GRF Board to the new Mutual Board.

To get started, the President’s Council could get several consultants to come and make proposals for creating one community from 15, including estimates of both the cost of such a project and the substantial savings that would be realized by doing so. After their evaluation of the proposals, the Mutual Presidents would present their recommendation to the shareholders for a vote. Then the hard work would begin to implement change.

We need the Mutual Presidents to step up and provide the leadership needed to get this done.

Anne Walshe

Leisure World

Seal Beach


A very sad ‘Father’s Day’ tale in Seal Beach

After midnight Friday I awoke to a great clatter.

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

What to my wondering eyes did appear?

A great long tow truck in rapid reverse gear.

I saw a man staggering forth pulling a long heavy cable.

Surprisingly… attaching it to the car by himself… he was able.

I opened my window and yelled “What is going on here?”

Although no reply, a polite police officer did appear.

The tag on the plate was for 2018.

Alas … on the very dark night the tag could be seen.

Though the fee had been paid and the smog check mailed,

the arrival of the tags had failed.

“When can we get the car?” we asked. The officer exclaimed.

“After 3 days, on Monday, your car can be reclaimed!”

With the cost of the tow and the impound charge,

We then knew the cost would be extremely large!

Had the seizure occurred in the light of day,

There would have been much less money to pay.

As a resident living in Seal Beach for the 51st year,

In spite of this outrage, I still love living here.

Sadly, there will be no car to use on Father’s Day.

Hark neighbors… to be safe, park your cars on the driveway.

This visit, in the dark of night, is not only extremely sad but a darn pity.

The furtive, seizure cast great shame on our beloved City.

Mario A. Rossi, Architect


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