Home Letters to Editor Letters to the Editor: Dec. 22, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Dec. 22, 2011

Golden parachute for LW administrator

After the GRF Administration under the direction of Dan Shaeffer cost Leisure World shareholders $273,000 last April, the GRF Board of Directors failed to find a majority willing to fire him.

Now, eight months later, the GRF Board rewards Schaeffer’s incompetence as an administrator with a new exalted job title; a new job description with “dumbed down” requirements and greater authority; and an employment contract that locks him into his job for 18 months with an option to extend the contract for another 18 months.

The net result is that if the GRF Board should ever fulfill their fiduciary duty and find the moral courage to do the right thing and terminate Shaeffer, he will be able to leave with a “golden parachute” of receiving full pay and health benefits for the duration of the balance of time remaining on this contract gifted to him by the GRF Board just in time for Christmas.  This is an outrage that can only justify the moniker of “Leisure Bell” being used to describe our community.

It seems appropriate to remind Leisure World shareholders of what was reported to them back on June 25. The facts of the tax penalty debacle have not changed.  Only Schaeffer’s job title and contract are new.

Go figure.

Dave Lyon


Seal Beach Leisure World


Salon Meritage Victims Fund update


The Seal Beach Victims’ Fund Trust wishes to remind the public and any potential donors that the Trust will be closing as of Dec. 31.

The purpose of the funds raised is to assist those victims and their families affected by the Oct. 12 Salon Meritage shooting.

It is anticipated that there will be a second disbursement of funds in the first half of January 2012.

All funds for disbursement must be received at the Bank of America on Main Street, Seal Beach by Dec. 30.

Seth Eaker, trustee and communications liaison, said, “The trustees are in the process of evaluating all final requests for support by victims and their families at this time.

“Should you wish to contact the Trust, please do so at sealbeachvictimsfund@gmail.com.

“Currently, no other organization or agency has come forward as an impartial and jointly supported fund for any other long-term fundraising or related activities.  Any fundraising activities after Dec. 31, will not have any funds accepted or dispersed by the Trust.”

The Trust wishes to thank all those in the community and beyond who have given so generously to help those most affected by the tragedy.

Of particular note has been the support of Old Ranch Country Club, Phillips Steel, San Pedro Bait Company, Universal Plant Services, Safeway/Vons Corp., the organizers and supporters of the “Support in Love” T-shirt and logo merchandise, all those salons and coordinators of the “cut-a-thon” activities, the Ernie Ball Corporation, and the many service organizations and businesses which have helped make so much possible.

The Seal Beach Victims’ Fund Trust was established in partnership with the city of Seal Beach, the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce and Watson & Associates for the express purpose of being a clearinghouse for raised funds to help the victims.

Please contact Seth Eaker at sealbeachvictimsfund@gmail.com email for questions or comments.

The city of Seal Beach and Chamber of Commerce

Chicken gumbo

My wife and I are Seal Beach residents and have had four hens in a coop in our backyard for over a year. We were trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle, as we also have a garden. The chicken poop is one of the best natural fertilizers.

We get 2-4 eggs a day and frequently give them to neighbors. Unfortunately we have just received notice from the animal control that we are in violation. Chickens are allowed, but there are some rules about being so many feet away from homes or neighbors. Most of our neighbors know about them and many people we know think it’s great. It’s unfortunate to be forced to send them away. I am waiting to have a meeting with the officer who stopped by.

Chris King, Seal Beach