Home Leisure World Leisure World officials delay vote on parking policies and fines

Leisure World officials delay vote on parking policies and fines

Leisure World officials last week postponed a vote on new parking fines and restrictions in the gated community, asking for more public input on the matter.

The Golden Rain Foundation, which represents more than 9,000 Leisure World residents, is considering fines for violations ranging from flat tires to RV parking. Currently, Leisure World security officers place “courtesy notices,” which look like parking citations but carry no fines, on vehicles errantly parked.

The GRF board of directors was scheduled to vote on the matter at its regularly scheduled meeting on Sept. 29, but after hearing from dozens of residents, withdrew the item from its agenda. Instead, it hosted two town hall meetings last Thursday to explain the proposed fines and regulations, and encouraged the more than 400 residents who attended to submit questions, suggestions and comments to the GRF Security, Bus and Traffic Committee.

Parking is scarce in the 542-acre community, which swells to nearly 15,000 people during working hours and special events. Though each of the 6,500 condominium units has a designated carport, many households own more than one vehicle. Vehicles belonging to employees, contractors and visitors also add to the parking crunch.

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