Home Local News Leisure World could alter globe after June

Leisure World could alter globe after June

The fate of the iconic Leisure World globe may be decided sometime after June, according to Anne Seifert, a member of the Physical Property Committee’s Beautification Subcommittee.

The decision to postpone a decision came at the Tuesday, May 7, meeting.

A previous meeting concluded with a proposal to remodel the main entrance of Seal Beach Leisure World, adding an “oasis” look with a fountain and removing the continents from the Leisure World globe, which would in the future be called a “sphere” instead.

However, Mutual Three resident Shirley Reimers, a Foundation board member as well as a Physical Property Committee member, opposes the project on the grounds there are more important priorities for the retirement community.

“We are going to hold off on any big decisions about the front entrance until the new board can get into place,” said Seifert, a Mutual 2 resident.

She confirmed she was talking about the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors. According to Seifert, a new board will probably be in place in June.

Seifert said the Physicial Property Committee decided on Tuesday, May 7, to be cautious about spending money on landscaping materials for the proposed front entrance remodel.

For now, according to Seifert, the retirement community will carry out what she called a “pilot program” to landscape St. Andrews Drive.

Seifert said if that works out, the same would be done with Leisure World’s front entrance.

A compromise

As for the globe, Seifert described the decision to remove the continents and call the landmark a “sphere” was a compromise between those who want to keep the globe and those who want to get rid of it.