Home Business District gets new equipment for Rush Park

District gets new equipment for Rush Park

The Rossmoor Community Services District has just completed a major capital improvement project with the replacement of playground equipment at the Rush Park Playground.

The project, which was funded from the District’s Capital Improvement Program budget, was necessitated by new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and State safety regulations. The total cost of the project was approximately $150,000.

The project was accomplished utilizing the U. S. Communities Joint Purchasing program for purchasing the playground equipment from Game Time. This resulted in a matching grant from Game Time, which insured the most competitive bid for the equipment without the need for a public bidding process.

The District also utilized another purchasing agreement, CMAS Joint Purchasing Authority in order to enter into an agreement with Tot Turf to surfacing. Tot Turf is the leading provider for ADA compliant Pour in Place surfacing which includes a five-year warranty.

As a means of alerting the community about this improvement, residents are invited to the Grand Opening Ceremony to join with District staff and Board members for a ribbon cutting ceremony. Following the ribbon cutting, there will be popcorn and refreshments.

The event will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 18 at Rush Park Playground, 3001 Blume Drive, Rossmoor.

The new playground’s theme is sailing ships and has plenty of fun options for kids of all ages to climb, slide, and swing on, as well as, having pour in place rubber surfacing in some areas that will comply with current playground safety standards.  This new playground will provide a cost-effective recreation area for families with children, as well as a safe environment for children to play for years to come