Letters to the Editor: July 14, 2011

Parking double on eastbound Electric Avenue

During the construction of the storm drain in Electric Avenue over a nine-month period in 2010 and 2011, a temporary parking plan allowed parking on both sides of eastbound Electric Avenue from about 12th Street to Seal Beach Boulevard.

This “new” parking proved to be beneficial not only to the residents directly affected by the construction, but also to those residents living south of Electric that formerly parked on the “one-ways” north of Electric. The parking on both sides of eastbound Electric Avenue, has proven to be very popular, with nearly every parking space used every night. I would like to thank city staff for continuing to allow this parking since the end of the storm drain construction to the present time. I hope the City Council will make this permanent.

According to city staff the parking on both sides of eastbound has not given rise to any reported traffic problems. As a retired civil engineer, I realize that a 14-foot wide driving lane is more than adequate for one-way traffic. Additionally, parking on both sides of that lane has a tendency to slow traffic and make drivers more aware of their driving surroundings. Families are now parking their cars at the Park curb and carry their picnic items safely, directly to their grassy spots without crossing the street.

Planning for the Electric Avenue green belt park (the old Red Car right-of-way through the city) occurred in the late ’70s and early ‘80s. At that time, “community leaders” decided the park use would be “passive.”

A passive park is meant for short time use, no organized sports, no rest rooms, no parking lots, etc. The library, Senior Center, and Red Car Museum would be the only exceptions.

Over the years this has provided a nice quiet place for people of all ages to walk, sit, picnic and/or just visit. Parking lots on this site have not been approved nor have other uses been allowed. For this we are grateful.

Forty years ago, “Old Town” was primarily known as a vacation destination, “summer” (second) homes were the rule and not the exception.

This time period produced many non-conforming properties by converting garages to living spaces and adding second and third living units without off-street parking.

The mind-set by the then “community leaders” was there is no “on-street” parking problem. Today, 2011, Old Town is no longer a major vacation destination, it is “home” to full-time residents and these residents do have an “on-street” parking problem.

The Eastside of Old Town seems to have a majority of the older non-conforming properties, rental properties, and the tightness of the one-way streets.

This new-found extra parking on the eastside has proven to be beneficial and safe without encroaching on our beautiful passive park.

Patrick Kearns

Seal Beach

Moorlach’s super city idea

For several months now our esteemed Supervisor John Moorlach has been promulgating a “super city” concept for western Orange County.

Evidently he again re-affirmed his support for this novel idea at a recent meeting at the Old Ranch Country Club.

How fortunate we are to have such an astute, insightful, practical and down to earth leader representing us.

In these days when most politicians are interested only in raising money for their re-election campaigns, catering to the wishes of past benefactors and avoiding any responsibility for the problems of their constituents, we have a selfless and brilliant officeholder who sees the simple, practical and real world solution to all the current problems of Seal Beach, Rossmoor and Los Alamitos.

Dissolve the current agencies, form a super city. Eureka! Why hasn’t anyone else thought of this before?

All that needs to happen is for the current City Council members in Los Alamitos and Seal Beach, and the Board members of the Rossmoor Community Services District to abandon their political careers, their fiefdoms with all their special privileges and their base as a possible future stepping stone to higher office and vote themselves out of office so Moorlach can dump off his responsibility as a county  supervisor to provide adequate police services to Rossmoor .

Well, that’s easy. Let’s get on with it.

Now—onto the bigger picture.

Let’s see, there are 58 Counties in the state of California …

Could we please hear Moorlach ask his fellow supervisors to follow his brilliant idea for western Orange County and take the same steps to vote themselves out of office by consolidating with Riverside or San Diego County?   Think of the savings!

Again, how fortunate we are to have a politician who will think of the public good rather than his own interests and who comes up with such deeply thought-through practical solutions.

R. J.  Jones

Los Alamitos