Women stay ‘Young At Heart’ and lose inches

Donna Scoville is a personal trainer at Anytime Fitness and a Seal Beach local/native. She teaches a “Young at Heart” class three days a week, which includes women from the ages of 55-90 years.

“We are on the final week of a six-week challenge where we committed to being more active and having better nutrition. The contest is based on most inches lost. Because they are lifting weights they can gain muscle and lose fat so inches was the most accurate and motivating way to measure results. I have measured most of the ladies (18 to be exact) and still have a few to go.

“The majority of the ladies lost on average an overall of 10 inches each. So far, the 18 of them have a total of 160 inches lost. I will have all of the measurements done by business today and we are having a celebration here on Thursday. For me personally it has been an incredibly rewarding experience because of the impact it has had on their lives. They are telling me all the time, I can carry my groceries in by myself, my cholesterol went down 15 points, I can work in the garden again etc.”